The Community for Jewish Men Who Want to Succeed in Life, Relationships, and Business

Episode 36: Remembering Our Roots with Oren Schneider

Feb 28, 2023

Episode 36 of the Tribesmen podcast is now live!

In this episode, I interviewed Oren Schneider.

Oren was born in Israel, a third generation to holocaust survivors and seventh generation to farmers from the Galilee. He is an entrepreneur who enjoys music, cooking, travel, people and especially the combination of all four.

In this episode, we talked about his book, The Apprentice of Buchenwald, his inspiration for writing it, and the journey he has been on since then.

We also discussed raising awareness of the persecution of Jews throughout history and his passion for creating meaningful change.

We had a fascinating conversation about what it means to be a part of an oppressed minority and how we can use our collective efforts to bring awareness and create positive change.

"..history has a lot of sad tales of survivors who just couldn't find the will to continue, it was just too much for them to be.."

".. just to be able to see, not the pain but the strength of people. You know, the incredible strength, mental, physical, emotional faith, whatever it is, that got them through.."

".. none of us have the ability to actually feel or understand what they, what they went through hell on earth, you had to reinvent yourself, when, when you were liberal, after you've been liberated, you had to explain to yourself what had happened and give yourself a reason to continue living. .."

This episode forces us to reflect on how far we have come and how much we still need to do to support those struggling against oppression and injustice.

Make sure you tune in from the start till the end of the episode!

What are your takeaways from this episode? Let me know in the comments below!

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